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Humanitarian Programmatic Issues

The State of Emergency in Ethiopia and Aid Worker Security

Ethiopia has witnessed months of often violent protests but the week of demonstrations leading up to the state of emergency declaration earlier this month saw increasingly violent protests spreading, raising security concerns among humanitarian organisations. This blog takes a closer look at what is currently happening in Ethiopia and the implications the state of emergency has for aid worker security.

31 Oct 2016 Blog

Report: Inclusion and Security Of LGBTI Aid Workers, Workshop 22/01/2016

RedR UK and GISF hosted a workshop on Friday 22nd January 2016, exploring current practices and issues that international development and humanitarian organisations encounter when approaching the inclusion and security of both international and national LGBTI aid workers. The need…

25 Aug 2016 Resource

Diverse, Inclusive and Safe

This blog by Richard Chapman-Harris raises a key consideration for humanitarian organisations operating in high-risk countries: What does equality, diversity and inclusion mean for security risk management? Do they relate? Do they contradict each other? In his blog, Richard shares some key steps that organisations can take to be more inclusive and diverse while still ensuring staff security. Within humanitarian organisations, the diverse profiles of staff can affect these individuals’ risk profile and present both challenges and opportunities in relation to their safety and security.

26 Jul 2016 Blog