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Academic Resource

Management of Women Expatriates in International Humanitarian Organizations

This paper investigates the difference between human resource management in the context of multinational corporations and international humanitarian organisations. It seeks to identify strategies for INGOs to implement in order to prepare and protect female international staff conducting fieldwork.

5 Feb 2018 Resource

States and Sovereignty in the Middle East: Myths and Realities

This article by Louise Fawcett (2017) evaluates recent events against evolving patterns and conceptions of statehood and sovereignty over time. It argues that understanding the contemporary region requires stepping back from the present and taking a long view of the…

15 Sep 2017 Resource

In their words: Perceptions of armed non-state actors on humanitarian action

As humanitarian actors increasingly operate in situations of internal armed conflict, the importance of negotiating with armed non-state actors (ANSAs) to ensure access has come to the forefront. Yet humanitarians on the ground and the broader international humanitarian community often…

6 Jun 2016 Resource