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Key trends in global humanitarian assistance

This factsheet provides clear and independent top-line analysis of the latest data on humanitarian and crisis-related financing. The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2019 – to be published by Development Initiatives in September – will build on this, presenting the most…

3 Jul 2019 Resource

Humanitarian Access in Armed Conflict: a need for new principles?

Constraints on humanitarian access continue to inhibit the ability of affected populations to receive adequate assistance in numerous conflict situations. This scoping study (2018) was commissioned to determine the feasibility and potential impact of developing new ‘principles’ of access. It…

15 May 2019 Resource

Preventing and Addressing SEA in Private Security Operations

GISF’s Executive Director Lisa Reilly joined the panel in Geneva on 14 May 2019, to discuss the topic Preventing and Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Private Security Operations. During the webinar, Lisa shared some of the lessons the NGO sector…

14 May 2019 Resource

Global Strategic Trends The Future Starts Today 6th Edition

Global Strategic Trends describes a strategic context for defence and security looking out to the middle of the century. It takes a comprehensive view of the future derived through research headed by the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC). Since…

1 May 2019 Resource

NGOs & Risk: managing uncertainty in local-international partnerships

This report examines how risk is perceived and managed in partnerships between international and national NGOs working in humanitarian response. It follows from the 2016 report NGOs and Risk: How International Humanitarian Actors Manage Uncertainty, which was also produced by…

12 Apr 2019 Resource

The Humanitarian Metadata Problem: “Doing no harm” in the Digital Era

New technologies continue to present great risks and opportunities for humanitarian action. To ensure that their use does not result in any harm, humanitarian organisations must develop and implement appropriate data protection standards, including robust risk assessments. However, this requires…

12 Apr 2019 Resource