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2-day Security Awareness Training

2-day Security Awareness Training table
Start date2 Dec 2021
End date3 Dec 2021
Time1:43 am GMT |8:43 PM EST
Provider PMO Security Risk Management (PMO-SRM)
Type Personal, Security, Personal Security, Field Security
Booking URL

Designed specifically for humanitarian staff in Lebanon and Syria, and for ALL staff positions. We offer a 2-day, contextualised security awareness training on location to increase the accessibility of trainings to all levels of staff.



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Be prepared for travelling and working in dangerous areas! After a long flight, you arrive at your hotel. You step out of the taxi, turn around and are confronted with a weapon. The robber is shouting at you. What do you do? Fight, flee or freeze? CSD believe there is…

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Be prepared for travelling and working in dangerous areas! After a long flight, you arrive at your hotel. You step out of the taxi, turn around and are confronted with a weapon. The robber is shouting at you. What do you do? Fight, flee or freeze? CSD believe there is…