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Travel Safety & Security Training

Travel Safety & Security Training table
Start date1 Nov 2021
End date5 Nov 2021
Time5:33 pm GMT |1:33 PM EDT
Provider International Location Safety (ILS)
Type Personal, Security, Personal Security, Field Security, Online training
Booking URL

1 Week • 5 Modules • Instructor-led online course

The programme enhances participants’ capacity to analyse, plan, and prepare for safety and security threats when working abroad. The overarching goal is to increase confidence and enable participants and their organisations to fulfil their mandates more effectively.

An ILS facilitator will accompany the participants through an interactive journey, encountering a range of theoretical and practical challenges along the way. From situational awareness through to aggression, via travel health, accommodation safety, and road traffic accidents – this multimedia workshop is key to promoting a culture of safety and security among travelling staff.

The programme is recommended to anyone that travels overseas for work, including both seasoned travellers and those less experienced.



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