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Fast track to recovery: US-China collaboration on COVID-19 prevention and treatment

Fast track to recovery: US-China collaboration on COVID-19 prevention and treatment table
Date1 Mar 2021
Time8:00 am 9:30 am EST |1:00 pm2:30 pm GMT
Provider The Brookings Institution
Type Virtual
CostNo Cost
Booking URLhttps://www.brookings.edu/events/fast-track-to-recovery-us-china-collaboration-on-covid-19-prevention-and-treatment/

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, spawning new variants around the world, few issues are more pressing than controlling its spread. There is an urgent need for the world’s two largest economies — which have come together on virtually every global health crisis of the 21st century — to join forces again to stop the pandemic. With addressing COVID-19 a top priority for leaders in both Washington and Beijing, it is a critical time for collaboration.

On Monday, March 1, the Brookings Institution and Tsinghua University will provide a forum for leading public health and medical experts in both countries to explore the way forward with concrete policy recommendations for medical and research cooperation, vaccine development and distribution, and international protocols for global travel and trade.

Viewers can submit questions via email to events@brookings.edu or join the conversation on Twitter using #USChina.


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