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Methodology: Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Anti-Hunger Policies

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26 March 2021
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Methodology: Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Anti-Hunger Policies

Our hope is to build on this method for future projects. This methodology is offered as a possible pathway for other organizations, policymakers, and implementing agencies to use in developing a racial equity lens for their work, whether inside or outside the nutrition field.

Achieving racial equity means that all people, regardless of race, have fair opportunities to enjoy equality. To ensure that the methodology contributed to this outcome, methods put the needs of communities of color at the center of the analysis. The process was divided into two steps: first, closing divides based on race so that programs achieve equal outcomes for participants of all races; and second, ensuring that communities of color reach optimal outcomes, in our case, around nutrition. Both steps are integral to realizing racial equality.
