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Children in Armed Conflict Accountability Framework

11 June 2015

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Children in Armed Conflict Accountability Framework

This Framework is a practical resource that promotes accountability for serious violations of international law committed against children in armed conflict. It responds to the significant gap that exists in preventing and remedying these serious violations – and is designed to assist policymakers and practitioners working at all levels to bridge this gap.

The Children in Armed Conflict (CAC) Accountability Framework provides:

  •  a comprehensive definition and structure for understanding CAC accountability;
  • practical guidance in the form of a step-by-step methodology for developing well-informed, context-specific, and feasible options for advancing CAC accountability.

The Framework is based on extensive research conducted by Conflict Dynamics International over two years, including focus group discussions on three continents, field research in four conflict-affected countries, and over 200 interviews, including with children and communities affected by armed conflict.

The Framework is available to download from Conflict Dynamics CAC Accountability web page http://cacaccountability.org/framework.

For any further inquiries on the CAC Accountability Initiative you can contact the authors at: info@cacaccountability.org.


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