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A Global Outlook on LGBTI Social Exclusion through 2030: Report Summary

15 August 2018

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A Global Outlook on LGBTI Social Exclusion through 2030: Report Summary

The purpose of this report (2018) is to support planning on international LGBTI issues. It is intended to be used to raise the profile of this ongoing crisis and highlight the significant implications for these groups which stem from their ongoing exclusion in many societies across the globe. Additionally, its findings serve to support policy formation, country strategies, and advocacy, underpinning the “leave no one behind” agenda, working to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) realize their potential as a vehicle to advance equality.



Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting

In this article for the Crisis Response Journal, Aisling Sweeney, GISF's Communications Officer, puts forward the case for remodelling funding processes for humanitarian security risk management.