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Published: April 24, 2018

NGOs and Risk II: a new study by InterAction and Humanitarian Outcomes

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InterAction and Humanitarian Outcomes have launched the second phase of the study NGOs and Risk, which will focus on risk management within partnerships between national/local and international NGOs. How do local and international actors perceive and define the risks to their staff and organizations? Which partner assumes most of the risk, be it security, financial, legal or reputational risk? Are risks co-owned and jointly managed between partners, or simply transferred from one to the other?

The study seeks the perspectives of as many national/local NGO representatives as possible, using the below survey as one tool. Please take 10 minutes to participate and share with colleagues.

English – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/InterActionHO

French – https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/NGOsRiskFrancais

Arabic – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T8L7YC8 (العربية)